Registration for 2024/25 season is open for all!!!
These classes have a 2 month intro trial period for $160 (one day per week) or $270 (two days per week) otherwise billed with monthly auto-pay or yearly paid up front with 30 day notice for any cancellation. Last class June 19, 2025.
Enrolment is open any time for all intro classes.
Enrolment is open any time for all intro classes.
Beginner level KIDs (Jacarés) (ages 7 - 13) NEW TIMES
Tuesdays &/or Thursdays 5:30- 6:30pm
Jacarés are a group of go getter beginners level kids ages 7 - 13. 1 day or 2 day per week program options but it is recommended to train 2 days per week if you plan to level up in belts. This class is for the kid who is eager to learn and grow their skills, who is focused and determined to better themselves and their practice. Focus is on Capoeira skills, flexibility, music and acrobatics. Teacher: Morango!
Beginner level Minis (ages 4 - 7) NEW TIMES
Tuesdays &/or Thursdays 4:45-5:15pm
The Mini’s class is a very popular class geared towards kids ages 4 - 7 years old who need a bit more attention and a game based learning environment. This class is ideal for kids that are younger or who need more time to develop listening and focus skills. In this class we learn the basics of capoeira through games, stories and challenges. Kids learn the basics, and movements such as ginga, basic kicks as well as ground movements. Emphasis is also on the martial arts philosophy of learning whereby we discuss and practice behaviors such as discipline, respect and kindness. One dya or two days per week options. 2 days per week will help kids retain what they learn and excell. Teacher: Professora Onça
Enroll anytime Sept - June!
Enroll anytime Sept - June!
These classes are suitable for kids who are experienced movers. If your child learns new physical skills with ease or has taken dance, gymnastics, martial arts or had expereince in other activities and wants to earn belts in our belt system then the Macaquinhos class is for them. Sorry but Macacos class is only for experienced capoeiristas who have belts and is currently full!
Macacinhos (ages 6+)
Macacos (ages 8-13)
This is an intro class for kids who really want to focus and learn to move! In Macacinhos (little monkeys) class we work on Capoeira basics including cadeira "squats" and ginga "lunges" along with core strengthening exercises introduced in different methods such as game playing, challenges and standard disciplinary martial art styles. Fitness appreciation is also instilled through challenges in upper and lower body strength. Introduction to the music and language is also a key theme! Kick and strike technique is established and practiced. Capoeira will help your child build strength, balance, discipline, respect, musical skills, language and communication skills, and a passion for athleticism and the rich culture of Brazil. This class is for kids who are determined and ready to learn and practice discipline and respect while mastering their art form!
The Macacos (Monkeys) kids class is an intermediate level class for more mature, competitive and eager intermediate students. This class will challenge the experienced students proficiency in the art form in all aspects i.e.) Acrobatics, music, rhythm, speed and reaction. Every student finds a place to express themselves in capoeira. While some are stronger in acrobatics, others may thrive on musical expression and others still will become great leaders. Capoeira practitioners become incredible athletes in many aspects of sport and training in this discipline helps to build strong bodies and strong character. Sorry, this class is now full |
Enrolment open for Macaquinhos as long as we have space in class - last class June 18th, 2025
Saturday classes and Roda will be announced and all kids encouraged to attend. Kids roda every Wednesday @4:50pm- 5:10pm
Saturday classes and Roda will be announced and all kids encouraged to attend. Kids roda every Wednesday @4:50pm- 5:10pm
Afro-Brazilian Dance (ages 11+)
Afro-Brazilian Dance is a high intensity dance class focusing on traditional dances from Brazil and mainly from the state of Pernumbuco. It is a super fun way to get your cardio and a great outlet for expression. Some of the dances we practice include Samba, Samba Reggae, Colhieta, Maculêlê, Coco de Roda. There is a performance aspect within the grupo but not all dancers are required to perform unless they are ready and practicing regularly. We are a group of creative individuals working collectively to practice and present what we love. This class is included in Unlimited membership but is not necessarily an on-going class. Session registration is also available. STARTING FALL 2023 Classes start Sep 16, 2023 Mondays 6:30-7:30pm |
Deposit is required to secure your child's spot in class
Credit card payments are available upon registration. All deposits to hold space are refundable if we can fill your child’s spot in the class in time. Otherwise partially refundable when spot is filled at later date. For alternative payment or alternative funding please contact us.
Call text: 250-898-791
Call text: 250-898-791
Enrolment in our programs are generally a full ten month commitment unless registering in an Intro session. Classes run September through June and include Saturdays as an extra free class. Saturday’s run when the teachers are in town and when there are no other special events or workshops running. In the event of demonstrations and shows, we may add rehearsal times and/or extra dance classes. Travel is extra expense to events in other cities.
All options include Saturdays. Our classes do not run on school holidays so monthly prices reflect total classes broken down into 10 payments. Prices don’t include GST a small fee is included for monthly subscription set up.
Deposit is required for registration for kids classes and remainder is billed monthly or paid in full. Small discount for those paying up front.
Cancellation policy: one month advanced notice required to cancel monthly payments if child decides to withdraw. If we fill the spot intake class then refund or partial refund will be rewarded. Family is expected to pay to hold their child’s spot if leaving for vacation, sick or away. This is a 10 month commitment!
Pricing for 2024/25
price includes classes from Sept - June and all Saturdays (rodas) when offered.
1 day per week - $900 $150 deposit then $81.50/month incl tax and cc fees or $875 if paid in full before Aug 1
2 days per week -$1350 $150 deposit then $130.20/month incl tax and cc fees for ten months (ask about discount for full year)
Unlimited days per week - $1600 $150 deposit then $157.32/month incl tax and cc fees for ten months
Please private message with any questions or concerns
All options include Saturdays. Our classes do not run on school holidays so monthly prices reflect total classes broken down into 10 payments. Prices don’t include GST a small fee is included for monthly subscription set up.
Deposit is required for registration for kids classes and remainder is billed monthly or paid in full. Small discount for those paying up front.
Cancellation policy: one month advanced notice required to cancel monthly payments if child decides to withdraw. If we fill the spot intake class then refund or partial refund will be rewarded. Family is expected to pay to hold their child’s spot if leaving for vacation, sick or away. This is a 10 month commitment!
Pricing for 2024/25
price includes classes from Sept - June and all Saturdays (rodas) when offered.
1 day per week - $900 $150 deposit then $81.50/month incl tax and cc fees or $875 if paid in full before Aug 1
2 days per week -$1350 $150 deposit then $130.20/month incl tax and cc fees for ten months (ask about discount for full year)
Unlimited days per week - $1600 $150 deposit then $157.32/month incl tax and cc fees for ten months
Please private message with any questions or concerns
Uniforms are mandatory. A one season commitment is highly encouraged as Capoeira is a DISCIPLINE and JOURNEY and should be treated as such by the parent and child!
Registration for 2024/25 starts soon.
Call or text 250-898-7918 for more info
Registration for 2024/25 starts soon.
Call or text 250-898-7918 for more info
CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART proudly supports our students who are in need of a little help for registration. They provide up to $600/year of funding for our programs. Please follow the link below for your pre-filled application form.